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Gain confidence, increase energy, feel fantastic, and love the way you look while getting fit and cultivating healthy habits to improve your quality of life.


Weight Loss & Management

Successfully and safely lose weight while learning strategies and approaches to effectively manage your weight for the long term.

Stretching & Flexibility

Improve mobility, agility, muscle coordination, and athletic performance while reducing the risk of injury and helping to relieve muscle soreness.

Gain Muscle

Add muscle mass and build strength encouraging fat loss so you tighten and tone while getting stronger, sculpted and defined.

Wellness & Lifestyle

Develop healthy habits to improve health and vitality through stress management, positive psychology, and mind/body connection.


Boost mood and increase energy levels while learning how to eat properly as we tailor to your goals, preferences, and lifestyle keeping your favorite foods included.


Reduce stress and anxiety, improve flexibility and posture, and increase strength and balance while learning practices that support healing, build resilience, and promote mindfulness and well-being.



Finally the weight loss roller coaster stopped and let me off.  I’ll tell you it’s been an interesting ride; full of ups and downs and many “curves”.  I was a mere 100lbs back in the day, but after two kids and an ever-changing body, I gained weight that I just couldn’t lose.  I was always very active and would exercise up a storm.  Unfortunately, I yo-yoed in my weight loss and got to the point where I couldn’t lose weight at all.

I was lucky enough to pick Star, who turned out to be my rock star and my Yogi.  I started at about 130lbs.  My goal was to lose weight and tone up.  It was slow in the beginning and I was beginning to get a little disappointed that I wasn’t losing anything yet, but Star was there to counsel and urge me on.  After 4 months, I dropped down to 115lbs and have since dropped to 112lbs.  I didn’t just lose weight, I also toned up and learned how to eat better.  All in all, I was able to start up that metabolism that was beginning to lie dormant.  

I owe everything to Star.  I feel like she’s my mother even though she is young enough to be my daughter.  I know she’ll say that it wasn’t all her and that it was me, but she’s wrong.  If it wasn’t for her and her “sadistic” 😊  encouragement and support, I wouldn’t be where I am now.  So, thank you “Sade, Master Sade” for all you have done for me.  And all I have to say now is that if you choose Star as your trainer, be ready to work and see results fast.


Star enters the space with a focused grace that only sages tend to have.  She brings sunshine with her wherever she goes.  The yoga is as unique as she is, with fun moves and a relaxed atmosphere that allows for laughter and novice struggles.  Star has clearly been gifted by the divine to teach this art because her poses and instruction are flawless.  I learned to love my body more with Star and catch myself doing my homework daily and thinking of Star with a thank you in my heart. 😇


My coach Star encourages me, especially when my body doesn't!  And she makes me push myself according to how I am that day!  She has changed my life and body! 


Ready to be the best version of you?

Decide.  Commit.  Succeed.

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