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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I've never done Online Training before. Is it right for me?
    There are a wide variety of people that can benefit from Online Training. Current technology has advanced allowing fitness to become more accessible now than ever before. You may be an excellent candidate for Online Training if one or more of the following describes you: You are a busy person with a full schedule Workout when and where it's convenient for you, not someone else. Instead of being bound to the schedule of a trainer at the gym, this method of coaching allows for much more flexibility to accommodate your busy schedule while still receiving the benefit of structure and support from your coach. You prefer to work out at home Many clients prefer their own home for a variety of reasons. The top reasons being caring for children or other family members, living in remote locations with no gym access or distance to the gym is too far from residence, and simply because it's convenient. You're looking to keep costs down Online training is cost effective and can often provide better structure than more traditional methods of training. After paying a trainer a high hourly fee, plus the associated gym expenses, and meeting for 1-3 hours per week, it's what you do with the other 23 hours in the day that will get you the best results. An online coach can provide you with ongoing support, a more efficient accountability system, a clear roadmap of how to get from where you are to where you would like to be, thus giving you the tools you need to reach your goals, and all for a fraction of the cost. You travel a lot Your training program goes with you wherever you go. It can be challenging to stay on track if you travel frequently. Having a plan of action and the support of a coach who can guide you according to where you are staying and what you have available can be helpful to keeping your fitness regimen on point, even if your coach lives in a different city or on the other side of the world. Online Training is a great way to empower yourself by taking ownership of your lifestyle habits and claiming the driver's seat of your health and fitness!
  • Will I need to purchase a lot of equipment in order to do the workouts?
    You do not need to purchase any equipment in order to get your workouts in. Using only your body-weight for resistance can be just as effective as training with free-weights or machines. Plus, chances are you already have household items you can use right now that could substitute for workout equipment. While equipment isn't a necessity, the following items can be useful to help level up your workouts: -Resistance Booty Bands -Resistance Bands with handles -Dumbbells or Kettlebells -Ankle Weights -Jumprope -Yoga Mat -Yoga Block -Yoga Strap -Foam Roller If you do not have these items and are interested in purchasing, let us know and we may be able to provide you with a discount code on your purchase for some of the items listed above.
  • I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to the month of Coaching. Do you have an option that requires less commitment?
    Yes, we offer a single session consultation where you and Star will connect privately to discuss what you are looking to achieve, a strategy roadmap, how she can help you most, and address any questions you may have giving you a better idea of what to expect and your readiness level for getting started. You may schedule your consultation here.
  • How do I discontinue the automatic renewal payment for my subscription?
    You may discontinue your subscription by simply sending your cancellation request via email to: You will receive a confirmation once processed. A subscription can be cancelled up until the seventh (7th) day before your next scheduled payment in order for you not to be charged for the following month. If you opt to be charged, you are agreeing to receive another month of Services.
  • Do you offer payment plans?
    Star Power Fit does not offer payment plans. You will make a one time payment per transaction. Your payment must be processed before receiving our products or services.
  • Are Training plan payments automatically renewed?
    Yes, all Training plans are set up to automatically renew each month on your scheduled billing date, and you will continue to receive our Services as long as you choose to keep your plan active. All Training plans currently offered are a month to month subscription, meaning you have the option to discontinue at any time, however subject to seven (7) days notice.
  • Do you ever collaborate with brands to promote products and services?
    Yes, we will partner with like-minded brands who align with our values and put forth a positive message. Please send your inquiry via email to:

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